#1945 #ww2 #germany #german #czech #czechoslovakia #shamemarch #ai #artificialinteligence
#history #4k #colorized #60fps #timemachine
We used Artificial Intelligence for :-
- Denoise
- Sharpen
- Remove black spots
- Upscale to 4K
- Enhance to 60fps
German shame march in Czechoslovakia
Closer shots German prisoners. MS, tanks/jeeps moving down road, probably the surrender of the XI Panzer Division (and other German units) on May 4 and the days immediately following. The XI Panzer Division was a Wehrmacht unit. German prisoners stand beside road, start marching. CU, destroyed German weapons. Pan up to column of trucks of surrendering Germans. German civilians standing around. CU sign: "Limit of Advance - All US Troops." CU, German general near tank. German prisoners on trucks pass by, GI directs route of surrender. MS trucks with dead German prisoners pass through crowd. MS trucks of Allied liberated prisoners go through crowd. Civilian masses on road. German generals in staff car, GI disarms them. Truck of German prisoners pass through crowd of Czechs.
Neste vídeo vamos desvendar os segredos mais obscuros do Líder Nazista Adolf Hitler, vamos explorar um lado pouco conhecido da História e mergulhar nas descobertas das estranhas manias do vilão número 1 da História. Esse vídeo busca oferecer uma visão mais completa da vida de Hitler, mas não esquecemos os eventos sombrios que o cercam. A História nos ensina lições importantes sobre extremismo e intolerância que nunca devem ser esquecidas.
#entretenimento #história #fatosdesconhecidos #curiosidadeshistoricas #entretenimento
#fatoscuriosos #curiosidades #adolfhitler #nazistas #nazismo #geopolítica #fatosbizarros
#hitler #history #documentarios
Adolf Hitler Speech on the Revival of the German Nation
Upscaling to 4k with Ai technology is the core of colorization, and restoration of old videos into the modern age.
#history #upscaled #nostalgic #nostalgia #historical
upscaled Studio is dedicated to the restoration of vintage films & videos into the modern world with state of the art technology. If you would like to support the effort, please consider either becoming a channel member
Or become a Patron https://www.patreon.com/upscaledhistory
Volk ans gewehr fue un canción que en un principio era solo una canción del NSDAP pero que después del discurso del SportPalace, en el cual el ReichsMinister Joseph Goebbels pronuncio el discurso de la "Guerra total" del gobierno Alemán y despues de que el VolksSturm se fundara se convirtió en una de las canciones mas famosas entre las filas del VolksSturm, al igual que una canción propagandística de este al igual que muchos tomaron esta canción como el himno del Deutscher VolksSturm WehrMacht.
#história #ww2 #history #himnos
1936 Hitler Speeches in Color
Upscaling to 4k with Ai technology is the core of colorization, and restoration of old videos into the modern age.
#history #upscaled #nostalgic #nostalgia #historical
upscaled Studio is dedicated to the restoration of vintage films & videos into the modern world with state of the art technology. If you would like to support the effort, please consider either becoming a channel member
Or become a Patron https://www.patreon.com/upscaledhistory
Arthur Nebe, hijo de un maestro de escuela, nació el 13 de noviembre de 1894 en Berlín, entonces parte del Imperio alemán. En julio de 1931, éste se convirtió en miembro del Partido Nazi. En noviembre del mismo año, se unió a las SA, o Sturmabteilung, la fuerza paramilitar nazi también conocida como Tropas de choque o "Camisas pardas" por el color de su uniforme.En este contexto, el 30 de enero de 1933, Adolf Hitler fue nombrado Canciller de Alemania por el presidente Paul von Hindenburg. En 1935, Nebe fue nombrado jefe de la policía criminal prusiana y, en julio de 1936, estaba a cargo de la policía criminal de toda Alemania. En diciembre de 1936, Nebe fue transferido de las SA a las SS con el rango de SS- Sturmbannführer, que equivalía a Mayor. La Segunda Guerra Mundial comenzó el 1 de septiembre de 1939 cuando Alemania invadió Polonia.Más tarde ese mes, Heinrich Himmler, jefe de las SS, ordenó la creación de la Oficina Principal de Seguridad del Reich, que abarcaba el servicio de inteligencia, los servicios de seguridad, el Estado secreto y la policía criminal. La organización estaba dividida en varios departamentos principales, incluida la Kripo, cuya misión principal era "exterminar la criminalidad". Bajo el liderazgo de Nebe, decenas de miles, entre ellos personas sin hogar, romaníes, borrachos y homosexuales, fueron puestos bajo custodia preventiva, ya que, según la teoría nazi, se sospechaba que tenían inclinaciones criminales.
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#tratofeito #tratofeitopénaestrada #history #episódiocompleto
Rick, Corey e Chum estão prontos para fechar negócios incríveis no estado da Estrela Solitária. Ao longo do caminho, os rapazes vão ter que testar um Buick Riviera 1968, e ficam realmente fascinados pela coleção de bigornas pertencente a um ferreiro. Finalmente, conhecem a lenda da NFL Emmitt Smith. #texas #tratofeito #tesouros #relíquias #colecionável
00:00 Introdução
03:30 Rick fica impressionado com um Martelo de Energia
07:40 Carro Riviera 1968
9:10 Sombreiro Stetson por 3.800 dólares
11:00 Rick dá uma volta em carro Riviera 1968 e decide comprá-lo
14:30 Telefone usado pelos japoneses na segunda guerra mundial
16:50 Rick visita Andrew, o colecionador e bigornas
19:00 Berço antigo da marca Bentwood
21:25 Um martelo para bigornas?!
23:40 Prato de morangos do Salvador Dali
26:00 Placa clássica dos anos 1940
28:55 Uma pérola super rara e encontrada só no Texas
32:45 Ossos de elefante por 5 mil dólares
34:14 Corey visita colecionador de pistola
37:10 Especialista analisa ossos de elefante
39:00 Hora de teste da pistola travas de roda!
41:50 Itens de um colecionador de basketbal
44:22 Uma pintura de Roy Lichtenstein
49:19 Fonosfera da Sanyo por 1400 dólares
51:30 Fotografia de Quanah Parker
55:10 Bomba d'agua antiga
57:20 Rick visita Emmitt Smith
1:00:10 Carta Bixby: uma carta que vale milhões!
1:03:20 Coleção de Pedras Preciosas Autralianas
1:04:55 Coleção de cédulas
1:09:00 Pintura assinada por Anthony Hopkins
1:14:15 Desenhos originais do pôster de Le Mans
1:18:45 Rádio clássico de 1930
History oferece séries, documentários e produções originais que não apenas entretêm, mas conectam você com seu lado curioso e emocional. Convidamos você a conhecer a história por trás da história, a explorar o misterioso, o desconhecido e o intrigante. Este é o ponto de encontro para responder a perguntas sobre o passado ou encontrar uma perspectiva diferente de fatos históricos.
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Extraordinary secret footage found buried in an orchard, shows Adolf Hitler dancing, playing with a kid and meeting his henchmen; Goebbels and Himler. It also shows his wife Eva Braun playing. Shot in the 1930s, high up in the Bavarian mountain at Berchtesgaden.
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#BritishPathé #history #wwii
license this Film: http://britishpathe.com/page/licensing
Film ID: 1175.26
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Before television, people came to movie theatres to watch the news. British Pathé was at the forefront of cinematic journalism, blending information with entertainment to popular effect. Over the course of a century, it documented everything from major armed conflicts and seismic political crises to the curious hobbies and eccentric lives of ordinary people. If it happened, British Pathé filmed it.
Now considered to be the finest newsreel archive in the world, British Pathé is a treasure trove of 85,000 films unrivalled in their historical and cultural significance.
Adolf Hitler Speech in 1932 Nazi Rally
Upscaling to 4k with Ai technology is the core of colorization, and restoration of old videos into the modern age.
#history #upscaled #nostalgic #nostalgia #historical
upscaled Studio is dedicated to the restoration of vintage films & videos into the modern world with state of the art technology. If you would like to support the effort, please consider either becoming a channel member
Or become a Patron https://www.patreon.com/upscaledhistory
00:00 Introduction
02:36 Adolf Hitler Speech in 1932
Nazi Rally In Nuremberg | Early Footage of Germany
Upscaling to 4k with Ai technology is the core of colorization, and restoration of old videos into the modern age.
#history #upscaled #nostalgic #nostalgia #historical
upscaled Studio is dedicated to the restoration of vintage films & videos into the modern world with state of the art technology. If you would like to support the effort, please consider either becoming a channel member
Or become a Patron https://www.patreon.com/upscaledhistory
Benito Mussolini was one of the most notorious dictators of the 20th century. But how did his empire come crashing down? What happened in his gruesome final moments? And how did he wind up in a monastery after his death? Keep watching to find out.
#benitomussolini #history #monastery
read Full Article: https://www.grunge.com/248754/....the-final-moments-of
Inside the SS is the full story of the Third Reich’s deadliest paramilitary organization told by the men who served in it.
From its creation, with only 20 young men serving as Hitler’s bodyguards in the 1920’s to 800,000 men spreading terror across Germany and occupied Europe in 1944, the film retraces the construction of Hitler’s fanatical killing machine.
Based on previously unseen interviews and colourised archive footage the film helps us to understand the mechanisms of political radicalisation, and how thousands of men were able to pursue one ideological goal, without constraint or empathy for human kind.
Thanks to a 2 year Europe-wide investigation, Serge de Sampigny's film unmasks more than 20 wartime SS officers still alive today, who have agreed to speak openly about their roles inside the SS. An unprecedented documentary, that leads us on a journey into the depths of their souls and the madness of their actions.
Documentary : INSIDE THE SS
Directed by : Serge de Sampigny
Production : Histodoc
#fulldocumentary #documentary #film #ss #hitler #history #war #germany #ww2
O Eterno Judeus — Filme completo dublado
Em um período em que Hitler buscava conquistar o povo alemão, houve na época super produções cinematográficas, todas voltadas em construir uma identidade ao seu povo.
O Judeu Eterno é um filme de propaganda nazista antissemita de 1940, apresentado como um documentário. O título alemão inicial do filme era Der ewige Jude, o termo alemão para o personagem do "Judeu Errante" no folclore medieval.
O filme "O Eterno Judeu" buscava definir o judeu como um inimigo invasor a ser combatido tanto no campo de batalha quanto no campo moral. Foi uma peça fundamental das conquistas Nazistas para o extermínio dos judeus.
#oeternojudeu #conteúdoeducacional #filmehistórico #derewigejude #filmecompletodublado #hitler #nazistas #oeternojudeufilmecompletodublado #propagandanazistaantissemita #israel #últimodiadosnazis #propagandaantijudeus #propagandofalandodepropaganda #history, #channel, #tv, #show, #serie, #serie, #seriado, #reality, #documentário, #doc
Chronicle of the Third Reich - Part 1: Nazification | History Documentary
Watch 'Chronicle of the Third Reich - Part 2' here: https://youtu.be/lpQF3LHC_Hc
In this episode:
On January 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of the Reich. This was followed by the Reichstag fire, the Enabling Act, and the so-called "Röhm Putsch." The initial phase of Nazi rule was primarily focused on power consolidation and coordination. The Third Reich lasted for 12 years, three months and nine days. It began with great hopes and jubilation and ended after a world war in which 50 million people were killed and Germany was destroyed.
This documentary series embarks on a unique journey through the bleakest chapter of German history, tracing the story of the Third Reich and painting a picture of Nazi dictatorship behind the propaganda by utilizing what in some cases is previously unpublished footage.
Subscribe Free Documentary - History Channel for free: https://bit.ly/2FjRPgV
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#freedocumentary #documentary #history
Free Documentary - History is dedicated to bringing high-class documentaries to you on YouTube for free. You will see fascinating animations showing the past from a new perspective and explanations by renowned historians that make history come alive.
Enjoy stories about people and events that formed the world we live in.
On April 28, 1939, Adolf Hitler delivered a significant speech at the Reichstag in Berlin, known as the "Kundgebung Speech" or "Reichstag Speech." This address came at a critical time in European history, just months before the outbreak of World War II. In his speech, Hitler denounced the 1934 German-Polish Non-Aggression Pact, accusing Poland of provocations and declaring the pact void. He also renounced the Anglo-German Naval Agreement of 1935, arguing that it was no longer valid because Britain had formed alliances against Germany. Hitler's rhetoric focused on justifying Germany's territorial ambitions as a quest for self-determination and a rectification of the perceived injustices of the Treaty of Versailles. He criticized Britain and France for their alliances and support of Poland, depicting these actions as hostile towards Germany. Despite the aggressive tone, Hitler claimed he wanted peace and blamed the Allies for the rising tensions, presenting Germany as a peace-loving nation forced into a corner by hostile powers.
The international response to the speech was one of skepticism and concern, as it underscored the increasing likelihood of conflict. This speech came after Germany's earlier annexation of Austria (Anschluss) in 1938 and the occupation of Czechoslovakia in March 1939, further highlighting Hitler's expansionist agenda. It marked a significant step towards World War II, serving as clear evidence of Hitler's intentions to dismantle the post-World War I order and expand German territory. Additionally, the speech was a propaganda tool aimed at rallying German public support behind Hitler's foreign policy and military plans. This address is often studied as a crucial moment in the lead-up to World War II, reflecting the aggressive policies and ideological motivations that would soon plunge Europe into conflict.
#adolfhitler #ww2 #hitlerspeech #hitlercolor #history #historical
Upscaling to 4k with Ai technology is the core of colorization, and restoration of old videos into the modern age.
#history #upscaled #nostalgic #nostalgia #historical
Upscaled Studio is dedicated to the restoration of vintage films & videos into the modern world with state of the art technology. If you would like to support the effort, please consider either becoming a channel member
Or become a Patron https://www.patreon.com/upscaledhistory
Adolf Hitler and his Mercedes 770K parade car, Charles De Gaulle and his DS 19, Pope Jean-Paul II and his Popemobiles, Donald Trump and The Beast, his ultra-safe limousine… All these Heads of State have given their cars a place in the great book of automobiles. Sometimes using these vehicles for their propaganda, certain of them didn’t hesitate to use custom-made cars.
Discover the secrets of the prestigious objects that have put their mark on history.
Documentary: Wheels of Power
Directed by: Jessy Picard
Production: RMC Découverte / A TV PRESSE Production
#documentary #freedocumentary #fulldocumentary #experts #itw #politics #tech #technology #wheels #mercedes #mercedesbenz #mercedes770 #hitler #hitlercar #history
Adolf Hitler's First Speech After Becoming Chancellor 1933
Upscaling to 4k with Ai technology is the core of colorization, and restoration of old videos into the modern age.
#history #upscaled #nostalgic #nostalgia #historical
upscaled Studio is dedicated to the restoration of vintage films & videos into the modern world with state of the art technology. If you would like to support the effort, please consider either becoming a channel member
Or become a Patron https://www.patreon.com/upscaledhistory
00:00 Introduction
01:33 Adolf Hitlers First Speech After Becoming Chancellor of Germany
Neste vídeo, exploramos as crenças religiosas de Adolf Hitler, um dos líderes mais controversos da história. Analisamos como Hitler utilizou a religião para consolidar seu poder e moldar a sociedade alemã de acordo com a ideologia nazista. Discutimos o conceito de "cristianismo positivo" promovido por Hitler e o Partido Nazista, bem como suas visões conflitantes sobre o cristianismo, o luteranismo e outras religiões. Também abordamos suas ações contra a Igreja Católica e o protestantismo, e como ele via a religião como uma ferramenta política. Este vídeo oferece uma visão aprofundada das complexas relações entre Hitler, a fé e o poder.
Para ajudar em suas pesquisas.
📚 ebook kindle: https://amzn.to/3y0QRAR
⚠️ Algumas das imagens foram geradas por inteligência artificial; qualquer semelhança com pessoas vivas ou falecidas é pura coincidência.
🎙️locução gerada por IA Elevenlabs
🎥 Alguns vídeos são ilustrativos e não tem relação com o fato
#historiageral #history #historiamundial #curiosidades #biografia #canaldehistoria
Today, we're taking a journey back in time to the year 1936 with the film "Berlin in Color." This incredible footage, shot by professional cameraman Frederick Fuglsang, gives us a unique glimpse into the vibrant city of Berlin during that era. So, let's dive in and explore the scenes captured in this historical gem!
#berlin #germany #history #ww2 #beforeww2
00:00 Introduction
00:30 Berlin in Color
08:32 Side by Side Restoration of Berlin
Upscaling to 4k with Ai technology is the core of colorization, and restoration of old videos into the modern age.
#history #upscaled #nostalgic #nostalgia #historical
upscaled Studio is dedicated to the restoration of vintage films & videos into the modern world with state of the art technology. If you would like to support the effort, please consider either becoming a channel member
Or become a Patron https://www.patreon.com/upscaledstudio