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On April 28, 1939, Adolf Hitler delivered a significant speech at the Reichstag in Berlin, known as the "Kundgebung Speech" or "Reichstag Speech." This address came at a critical time in European history, just months before the outbreak of World War II. In his speech, Hitler denounced the 1934 German-Polish Non-Aggression Pact, accusing Poland of provocations and declaring the pact void. He also renounced the Anglo-German Naval Agreement of 1935, arguing that it was no longer valid because Britain had formed alliances against Germany. Hitler's rhetoric focused on justifying Germany's territorial ambitions as a quest for self-determination and a rectification of the perceived injustices of the Treaty of Versailles. He criticized Britain and France for their alliances and support of Poland, depicting these actions as hostile towards Germany. Despite the aggressive tone, Hitler claimed he wanted peace and blamed the Allies for the rising tensions, presenting Germany as a peace-loving nation forced into a corner by hostile powers.
The international response to the speech was one of skepticism and concern, as it underscored the increasing likelihood of conflict. This speech came after Germany's earlier annexation of Austria (Anschluss) in 1938 and the occupation of Czechoslovakia in March 1939, further highlighting Hitler's expansionist agenda. It marked a significant step towards World War II, serving as clear evidence of Hitler's intentions to dismantle the post-World War I order and expand German territory. Additionally, the speech was a propaganda tool aimed at rallying German public support behind Hitler's foreign policy and military plans. This address is often studied as a crucial moment in the lead-up to World War II, reflecting the aggressive policies and ideological motivations that would soon plunge Europe into conflict.

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