
5 Visualizações · 1 ano atrás

The Third Reich in Colour - Part 1: The Dictator | History Documentary

Watch 'The Third Reich in Colour - Part 2' here: https://youtu.be/p5oRdGK-QLA
Watch the uncensored edition of 'The Third Reich in Colour Part 1' here (viewer discretion advised): https://rumble.com/v3lbw2a-the....-third-reich-in-colo

In this episode:
From 1937 color films document everyday life in Hitler's Germany. Eva Braun and Hans Baur, Adolf Hitler’s personal pilot, are among the first amateur filmmakers to expose the new celluloid. This creates unique images of the dictator's public appearances and his private life on Obersalzberg. Scanned in high-resolution HD, the footage of Hitler and his entourage tells a particularly realistic tale.

The first half of the 20th century, the two world wars, the parades in Nuremberg and Moscow, and the appearances of Roosevelt and Churchill: are handed down and remembered by generations in classic black and white. But little known, hidden in film archives and private collections, other images have also survived. Hitler's lover, Eva Braun, and the Führer's pilot Hans Baur, Marlene Dietrich, and Roosevelt's Minister of Finance, soldiers of the Wehrmacht and the cameramen of the OSS had a common passion: they filmed history in color, for private pleasure or to document historical events.


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Free Documentary - History is dedicated to bringing high-class documentaries to you on YouTube for free. You will see fascinating animations showing the past from a new perspective and explanations by renowned historians that make history come alive.

Enjoy stories about people and events that formed the world we live in.

2 Visualizações · 4 meses atrás

Chronicle of the Third Reich - Part 1: Nazification | History Documentary

Watch 'Chronicle of the Third Reich - Part 2' here: https://youtu.be/lpQF3LHC_Hc

In this episode:
On January 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of the Reich. This was followed by the Reichstag fire, the Enabling Act, and the so-called "Röhm Putsch." The initial phase of Nazi rule was primarily focused on power consolidation and coordination. The Third Reich lasted for 12 years, three months and nine days. It began with great hopes and jubilation and ended after a world war in which 50 million people were killed and Germany was destroyed.

This documentary series embarks on a unique journey through the bleakest chapter of German history, tracing the story of the Third Reich and painting a picture of Nazi dictatorship behind the propaganda by utilizing what in some cases is previously unpublished footage.


Subscribe Free Documentary - History Channel for free: https://bit.ly/2FjRPgV
Facebook: https://bit.ly/2QfRxbG
Twitter: https://bit.ly/2QlwRiI

#freedocumentary #documentary #history

Free Documentary - History is dedicated to bringing high-class documentaries to you on YouTube for free. You will see fascinating animations showing the past from a new perspective and explanations by renowned historians that make history come alive.

Enjoy stories about people and events that formed the world we live in.

1 Visualizações · 5 meses atrás

Adolf Hitler and his Mercedes 770K parade car, Charles De Gaulle and his DS 19, Pope Jean-Paul II and his Popemobiles, Donald Trump and The Beast, his ultra-safe limousine… All these Heads of State have given their cars a place in the great book of automobiles. Sometimes using these vehicles for their propaganda, certain of them didn’t hesitate to use custom-made cars.

Discover the secrets of the prestigious objects that have put their mark on history.

Documentary: Wheels of Power
Directed by: Jessy Picard
Production: RMC Découverte / A TV PRESSE Production

#documentary #freedocumentary #fulldocumentary #experts #itw #politics #tech #technology #wheels #mercedes #mercedesbenz #mercedes770 #hitler #hitlercar #history